#179: Then & Now (Learning Tagalog), Kids React to Art, Sijia Chen, The Traumatic Surreal, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, George Grosz, James Winestock, Santana and Richie Havens at Woodstock, and MyNoise
Good account.I suspect you have been reading about the kidnapping of Americn Indian children into English only boarding schools and the attept to strip away all aspects of tribal cultural practices. A Christian goverment hard at work!!
Thanks. Yes, I've heard of that happening both in the US and Canada. One of my aunts (married my uncle) is indigenous to California; thanks to that side of the family (one of whom gave a talk in my UCSC class) I've become more aware of those issues.
Good account.I suspect you have been reading about the kidnapping of Americn Indian children into English only boarding schools and the attept to strip away all aspects of tribal cultural practices. A Christian goverment hard at work!!
Thanks. Yes, I've heard of that happening both in the US and Canada. One of my aunts (married my uncle) is indigenous to California; thanks to that side of the family (one of whom gave a talk in my UCSC class) I've become more aware of those issues.